Thursday, March 31, 2011

Good Advice

Been getting really good advice, from a range of people.  The interesting thing is that everyone is saying more or less the same thing.  That in itself is reassuring.  I feel the LOVE!!!

Most popular is a mountain bike with slicks on.  It’s also important that it’s my bike, and works for my height, size etc. 
I need to do spinning at least 3 classes a week, and then get onto the road.  So far I’m still going to Yoga and my body is sore, but pushing through.  I need to make time in my schedule for the spinning classes.  05:15 seems to be the only option.  Will see how that goes.
I do agree with Chris’s comment below about motivation, and going for what you want, and thinking about why you are doing something.  It’s important to have goals and focus beyond the current. 
I’m looking forward to this journey and finding out what my body is really capable of doing.

When things...

" The greatest success is not giving up, even when it seems like you should. When things seem unclear, I sit back and ask myself, where are you going and what do you need to do right now to get there?" - This is my positive thought for the moment...

Update: Joined Virgin Active today!!! Got the towel, Water Bottle, Bag & T-SHIRT.
Just need to get the takkies on and attempt to survive a spinning class!!!
Which I believe can be brutal !#@%$!
Stay tuned.....

Monday, March 28, 2011

And I'm off!!!!

I started Yoga on Saturday.  I can hardly walk; move, breath, and I have discovered places in my body, which I just didn't know were there anymore.  I measured all the rates, and BMI's and all that jazz.  I'm ready to go. 

I did 15min on the spinning bike in the gym, really just didn't have time to do more!  The first 5min I thought I wouldn't make it but then I pushed on to 15min and it was feeling good.  Will see if I can push on a little longer tonight.  I've been listening to a lot of advice, and everyone is telling me it's harder riding on the road.  Suspect I'll find out soon enough. 

So I’m doing Yoga because I’m trying to strengthen my mind, along with my body.  I am finding it very hard to find motivation.  Don’t mistake this for unhappiness, feeling very happy.  It’s just the “meaning” part I’m struggling with. 

I have been eating like a horse!  What’s up with that? It’s kind of like I’m scared I’m not ever going to get nourishment again.  Interesting! 

Today's my start...

So I've decided that today is my start....I've got a plan and I'm determined to make my start today!! My plan is to start off slow and up the progress every week until I have built on my fitness help me stay motivated, I've committed to taking part in a cycling challenge (40km) on the 17th April & again on the 1st May - with the support of my hubby Henk who will be doing the 80km....even if I come dead last, I need a goal to get me into mode and help me on the road to the 94.7. Wish me luck!!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Taking it one day at a time

Yes the Big this is where it began, my stunning week-end with my dearest friend Mornay!!
Our chatting & catching up -our dreams, expectations, disappointments etc... ending with our mad
plan to do the 94.7 cycle challenge this year Nov 11.
A life style change is my goal, taking it one day at a time and losing 9.6Kg to date has been a great
achievement and I'm really proud of that!!
Motivation is the key here and Mornay sunshine, we gonna get that going..... get your tackies out
and ready for the ride of your life !!!! - 8 months to go and counting.....
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. - Anatole France

Thursday, March 17, 2011

We're turning 40 this year

....and I hear that this is when life starts!  So somehow Christine has convinced me to do the 94.7 cycle race in November this year, and if we survive that, we plan to do the Argus next year.  This blog will document our journey.  What we expect to achieve, will I suspect, be contained in these pages.  How we are going about achieving it and the outcomes as well.  But above all else it will be a journey, and one we intend to enjoy!!!  Cause we're 40 and fabulous!!!  (Not yet - - soon!)