Wednesday, June 1, 2011

"Ready to Release the weight"

I get a daily inspirational mail "Thin Thoughts" - Todays's mail was a really interesting read and more than once I thought "That's me".

Here are some highlights:
One of the most common reasons why people struggle to lose weight and keep it off is because they are waging an inner battle against themselves. One part of them (usually their conscious mind) desperately wants to be rid of their excess weight. They yearn for a slim, healthy, strong, sexy body and would give anything to have it. But another part of them (you might call it their subconscious mind) resists the idea.

If you suspect that this might be an issue for you, here are a few clues to find out for sure:

1) You feel simultaneously excited and nervous about the thought of being thin.

While you love the idea of being fit and trim, you may also experience a twinge of apprehension when you think about it. You may feel somewhat vulnerable, exposed or unprotected without the buffer of excess pounds on your body.

2) You constantly sabotage your own efforts to lose weight.

You tell yourself that you are going to start exercising, give up junk food, cut out sugary drinks and the like, but within moments you are eating and drinking the very things you vowed to give up. Or you have every intention of exercising but then keep coming up with tons of excuses why you can't today - you'll start fresh tomorrow.

3) You beat yourself up for having "no willpower".

It's important to understand that willpower is not the problem here - the true problem is that something deep inside of you does not want to release the fat because it is serving an important purpose. So, those two parts of yourself are fighting against each other - and the more powerful part (which is usually the subconscious fears or beliefs that need to hold onto the extra pounds) will win every time.

There are endless reasons why you may be holding onto your excess pounds. You may feel too vulnerable without them, like you would have no protection against the scary aspects of your life. Or you may be using the excess weight as an excuse so that you don't have to step out of your comfort zone and face other fears. You may even be using the excess pounds as a way to get attention from other people.

Only through dedicated introspection will you know for sure why you are resisting weight loss - and you can then begin the process of improving your thoughts, releasing limiting beliefs, and finally end the inner battle and lose the weight for good.

I desperately want to win this battle and this mail has really made me see things in a different light and understand the route of the problem........