Tuesday, August 23, 2011

No 94.7 for me this year! :(

 Well the sad thing is that I will not be doing the 94.7 cycle race this year.  (Sorry Chris – feels like I’ve let you down! But The Argus is around the corner.)
Someone reminded me about the old saying, “life, love, and everything in between”, and of course, my personal favourite, “life is what happens while you’re making other plans”.  I’m not going to be able to buy a bicycle over the next few months. 
But the upside is that I’ve just had a fantastic holiday, loved every last minute of it.  I wouldn’t exchange that experience for anything in the world.  (Not even a bicycle!

That cell account court me though.  No matter how careful you are, it always does.  Horrible little, lovely thing!
Just over R5000 bill for the trip, so didn’t really bargain on that.  Then my fridge stopped working, still need to get that fixed, shoe.....  Was going to buy my bicycle this month, but it does appear that the universe and I are not in alignment with regards this wish.  C'est

So if no cycling then at least back to gym with me.  I have been waiting around for this blasted cycle, so as to get moving with exercise.  Well that showed me.
I’m not saying I’m never going to cycle, ever.  Just not now.  Life is happening, while I’m trying to cycle.  I will not give up, I will not surrender....